Meira medae


Pierotti; Bellò & Alonso-Zarazaga, 2010. Contribution to the systematic rearrangement of the Palaearctic Peritelini. VI. A synthesis of the Spanish Peritelini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae). Zootoxa, 2376: 1–96.


Paratips: Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona, MZB 73-3742 + MZB 73-3743 + MZB 73-3744 + MZB 73-3745 + MZB 73-3746 + MZB 73-3747 + MZB 73-3748 + MZB 78-0907 + MZB 78-0908 + MZB 78-0909 (“Meda Petita Island, Medes Islands, Girona, Spain“, 10 espècimens)

Estatus taxonòmic actual

Meira medae Pierotti, Bellò & Alonso-Zarazaga, 2010



  • Athous (Haplathous) oromii


    Platia & Gudenzi, 2005. Description of eleven new species of click-beetles of the Palearctic Region, a case of legs teratology and new records of some species of the Italian fauna (Insecta Coleoptera Elateridae). Quad. St. Not. St. Nat. Rom., 21: 109-127.

  • Zariquieya boumortensis


    Faille; Fresneda & Bourdeau, 2011. Les Molopina hypogés des Pyrénées avecla description d’une nouvelle espèce de Zariquieya Jeannel, 1924 d’Espagne (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichini). Zoosystema, 33 (4): 429-441.

  • Dipurena baukalion

    Pagès, F., Gili, J. M. & Bouillon J., 1992. Medusae (Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa) of the Benguela Current (southeastern Atlantic). Scientia Marina, 56(Supl. 1): 1-64. [p. 15-19; figs. 15-16].

  • Luperus (Calomicrus) espanoli


    Codina Padilla, 1963. Nuevas formas de Luperus ibéricos y norteafricanos (Col. Chrysomelidae). EOS, 39: 367-378.