Alpha Index:

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  • Geotrupes (Geotrupes) ibericus


    Baraud, 1958. Un nouveau Geotrupes Latr. d'Espagne. Bullt. Men. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 27(8): 219-221,

  • Trechus (Trechus) picoensis


    Machado, 1988. Two new cavernicolous species of the genus Trechus Clairv. from the Azores (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Bocagiana, 119: 1-8.

  • Brachylaima mascomai

    Gracenea,M. & González-Moreno,O., 2002. Life Cycle of Brachylaima mascomai n.sp. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae), a Parasite of Rats in the Llobregat Delta (Spain). Journal of Parasitology, 88(1): 124–133.

  • Ernobius gallicus


    Johnson, C. 1975. A Review of the palaearctic Species of the Genus Ernobius Thomson (Col., Anobiidae). Entomologische Bläter, 71(2): 65-93.