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  • Athous (Orthathous) escolai


    Platia, 2006. Contributo alla conoscenza dell specie di Athous (Orthathous) Reitter, 1905 della Penisola Iberica (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Dendrometrinae: Dendrometrini). Boletín Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 39 : 31-53.

  • Chironephthya mediterranea

    López-González; P.L.; Grinyó,J. & Gili,J.M., 2015. Chironephthya mediterranea n. sp. (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea, Nidaliidae), the first species of the genus discovered in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity, 45(4): 667-688.  

  • Cryptophagus spadiceus


    Falcoz, 1925. Description d’un Cryptophagus nouveau d’Espagne. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France: 252-253.

  • Coptocephala melanocephala var. espanoli


    Pic, 1933. Notes diverses, nouveautés (Suite). L’Echange, Revue Linnéenne, 454: 13-15.