Alpha Index:

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  • Stemolophus nigripes


    Reitter,E., 1894 In: Hauser, F., 1894. Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Trascaspien und Turkestan. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift: 17-74

  • Spiralix (Burgosia) mieraensis

    Quiñonero-Salgado, S.; Ruiz-Cobo, J. & Rolán, E., 2017. Three new species of Spiralix (Burgosia) (Gastropoda, Moitessieriidae) from the northern Iberian Peninsula. Iberus, 35(1): 59-70 [p. 66].

  • Chondrina marjae

    Kokshoorn, B. & Gittenberger, E., 2010. Chondrinidae taxonomy revisited: New synonymies, new taxa, and a checklist of species and subespecies (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Zootaxa, 2539: 1-62. [p. 35; pl. 12 fig. G].

  • Tarphius besucheti


    Español, 1961. El género Tarphius, nuevo para la fauna española (Col. Colydiidae). Graellsia, 19: 81-85.