Guide to collections

Collection of continental molluscs from Catalonia

Name Collection of continental molluscs from Catalonia
Alternative name MCNB. Col. continental molluscs Catalonia
Description Collection of continental molluscs from Catalonia consisting of dry shells (87% of lots) and whole organisms preserved in ethyl alcohol 70º and 100º. In all, there are 159,000 specimens grouped in 16,200 lots, of which 108 are type specimens. The collection includes bivalves and terrestrial (most of the specimens) and freshwater gastropods. Most of the material belongs to the Museum's historical collection (original collection of Francesc Martorell and collections of Artur Bofill, Joan Baptista d'Aguilar-Amat, Joan Rosals, Barcelona Royal Academy of Science and the Arts, Manuel de Chía, Baltasar Serradell and the Jaume Bofill Institute, amongst others). There are also a lot of donations made by collaborators and from other sources related to the Museum. The most recent additions are the collection of the malacologist Miquel Bech, mainly consisting of the continental molluscs from the Iberian Peninsula with a large percentage of material from Catalonia. Of great interest also is the material collected by Luis Gasull and Oleguer Escolà, the latter from subterranean environments. Wide range of taxa. Almost all (93%) of the collection has been registered, documented and digitalized to specimen-lot level. Data from a part of the collection can be consulted on-line on the website of the Barcelona Natural History Museum and the portal GBIF. The specimens obtained in recent years during collection campaigns and research projects have increased the proportion of wet specimens that conserve the internal anatomy. A sample of continental molluscs from Catalonia has been displayed in the Museum's permanent exhibition. An important part of this collection is the result of the on-going collecting and study carried out by renown malacologists such as Artur Bofill, Joan Baptista Aguilar-Amat, Friedrich Haas (the driving forces behind the so-called Catalan School of Malacology during the first half of the 20th century) and Miquel Bech, in more recent years.
Description for especialists Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (MCNB). Collection of continental molluscs from Catalonia
MCNB. Col. continental molluscs Catalonia
Provenance The first specimens came from the shell collection of Francesc Martorell i Peña and were part of the original collection of the Martorell Museum (1879). The addition of the collections of Artur Bofill, Joan Baptista d'Aguilar-Amat and Joan Rosals in 1917-1920 increased the Museum's collection of continental molluscs significantly. Further material came from other historical collections that were added subsequently, including specimens from the collections of Barcelona Royal Academy of Science and the Arts (on permanent loan to the Museum since 1925), Manuel de Chía (1923), Baltasar Serradell (1931) and the Jaume Balmes Institute (1936). Also of interest are the donations made by collaborators and other sources related to the Museum (Ascensi Codina, Francesc Español, Pius Font i Quer, Carme Gelabert, Friedrich Haas, Santiago Novellas and Antoni Vilarrubia, amongst others). Under the direction of Artur Bofill i Poch (1892-1929) and then J. B. d’Aguilar-Amat (1929-1936), the malacological section began to be reorganized and all the different collections were united and the nomenclature revised (all the original labels have been preserved). The separation of specimens from Catalonia to form a regional collection dates from this period. More recent additions include specimens collected by Luis Gasull and Oleguer Escolà (the latter mainly of subterranean fauna) and the collection of Miquel Bech, donated in 2009, which includes a large number of continental molluscs from Catalonia. An important part of the collection corresponds to the research carried out by renown malacologists such as Artur Bofill, Joan Baptista d'Aguilar-Amat, Luis Gasull, Friedrich Haas (the driving forces behind the so-called Catalan School of Malacology) and, most recently, Miquel Bech. The collection has also been studied by researchers such as Edmund Gittenberger, Alberto Martínez-Ortí and Cristian Altaba, whose work has given rise to numerous scientific publications by these and other authors in the fields of faunistics and taxonomy for, above all, Catalan fauna, of which a number of type specimens are found in this collection. Francesc Uribe has been curator of the Museum's non-Arthropod Invertebrate collection since 1997. During his time in charge, the registration, documentation and computerization to specimen-lot level has been completed. In terms of research, it is worth highlighting studies on biodiversity and ecology by the malacologists Vicenç Bros, Jordi Cadevall, Elisabeth Hernández, Jordi Nebot and Albert Orozco that mainly target the management of Catalonia's natural areas.
Kingdom coverage Animalia
Taxon coverage Bivalvia, Gastropoda (strength)
Geospatial coverage Catalonia
Collectors Aguilar-Amat, Joan Baptista d'
Altimira Aleu, Carles
Altimiras i Roset, Jacint
Bataller i Calatayud, Josep
Bech i Taberner, Miquel
Bofill i Poch, Artur
Bolòs i Saderra, Ramon de
Bros Catón, Vicenç
Cadevall Solé, Jordi
Cazurro, Manuel
Codina i Ferrer, Ascensi
Corbella Alonso, Jordi
Escolà Boada, Oleguer
Español Coll, Francesc
Fadrique Chico, Florentí
Fernández, G.
Foix, Anna
Font i Quer, Pius
Gasull Martínez, Luis
Gelabert, Carme
Giménez, Carmen
Gorchs, Montserrat
Gros, Enric
Haas, Friedrich
Hernández Rojo, Elisabeth
Maluquer, J.
Mata, Estrella
Mata, Pepita
Nebot Obón, Jordi
Novellas Bofill, Santiago
Orozco Sanchís, Albert
Pipó, Francisca
Sagarra i Castellarnau, Ignasi de
Uribe Porta, Francesc
Vilarrubia i Garet, Antoni
Vilella i Tejedo, Manuel
Zariquiey, Ricardo
Collection type Preserved
Primary purpose Research
Include types Yes
Grouping principle Spatial
Formations periods ca. 1882-
Development statuses Active growth
Collection extents 108 lots of type specimens, 159000 specimens, 16200 lots
Documentation state Documentary control of 93% of lots (registration, inventory and computerization). Specimens in most lots identified to species level (nomenclature updated for the samples documented with MuseumPlus). A part of the collection has been identified and/or revised by specialists (E. Gittenberger, L. Gasull, M. Bec and A. Martínez-Ortí, amongst others).
Specimen preservation methods Fluid-preserved, No Treatment
Preparation and conservation Dried material boxed or wrapped up in protective material in individual containers. A large proportion of containers have Tyvek labels. Periodical control of samples in liquid. Control of the environmental conditions in storage areas.
McGinley conservation statuses Level 5
Level 8
Conservation status date 24-07-2013 (dd-mm-yyyy)
Institution Natural Science Museum of Barcelona - Non-Arthropod Invertebrates Department
Parent collection Collection of continental molluscs
Collection of ibero-balearic continental molluscs
Associated person Miguel Prieto (Documentalist), Francesc Uribe (Curator),
Item level access MCNB Mollusca GBIF online database (date when consulted) (accessed through GBIF data portal,, 2013-09-04)
Col·leccions en línia de Zoologia (MCNB) / Online Zoological Collections (MCNB)
Related material Bech, M., 1990. Fauna malacològica de Catalunya. Mol·luscs terrestres i d'aigua dolça. Treballs de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural, 12: 1-229.

Bech, M.; 1973. Notas malacológicas. Contribución al conocimiento de la fauna malacológica terrestre i de agua dulce, de Catalunya. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 71: 223-233.

Bech, M.; 1979. Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de la fauna malacológica terrestre y de agua dulce de Cataluña. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 77: 157-171.

Bofill i Poch, A., 1917. Moluscos ingressats en el Museu desde el mes de juny de 1916. Anuari de la Junta de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 2: 533-549.

Bofill i Poch, A., 1918. Moluscos Ingressats en el Museu des de el 1er de juliol de 1917. Anuari de la Junta de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 3: 201-224.

Bofill, A. & Haas, F., 1920. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les valls pirenaiques. II. Vall del Noguera Ribagorçana. Treballs del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 2: 5-99.

Bofill, A. & Haas, F., 1920. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les valls pirenaiques. III. Vall de la Noguera Pallaresa. Treballs del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 3: 105-220.

Bofill, A. & Haas, F., 1920. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les valls pirenaiques. IV. Vall del Segre i Andorra. Treballs del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 3: 225-375.

Bofill, A. & Haas, F., 1920. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les valls pirenaiques. V. Conca del Llobregat. Treballs del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 3: 381-831.

Bofill, A. & Haas, F., 1921. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les valls pirenaiques. VII. Vall dAran. Treballs del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 3: 1247-1350.

Bofill, A., Haas, F. & Aguilar-Amat, J. B. d', 1918. Fauna Malacològica del Pirineu Català. I. Estudi sobre la fauna malacològica de la Vall de l'Essera. Treballs de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural, 4: 9-110.

Bofill, A., Haas, F. & Aguilar-Amat, J. B. d', 1921. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les valls pirenaiques. VI. Conques del Besòs, Ter, Fluvià, Muga i litorals intermitjes. Treballs del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 3: 837-1241.

Bros, V., Cadevall, J., Hernández, E., Nebot, J., Orozco, A. & Uribe. F., 2004. Inventari i distribució dels mol·luscs a la vall d'Alinyà: informació bàsica per a la conservació i la gestió de l'àrea. In: Els sistemes naturals de la vall d'Alinyà, edited by J. Germain, Barcelona: Institució Catalana d'Història Natural, p. 343-366.

Gittenberger, E., 1973. Beiträge zur kenntnis der Pupillacea III. Chondrinidae. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 127: 1-267.

Martorell, M. & Bofill, A., 1888. Catálogo de la colección conchiológica que fué de D. Francisco Martorell y Peña legada por dicho señor á la ciudad de Barcelona y existente en el Museo Martorell de la propia ciudad. Barcelona. 94 pp.

Martínez-Ortí, A. & Uribe, F., 2008. Los ejemplares tipo de las colecciones malacológicas del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona y del Museu Valencià d'Història Natural. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 6: 1-156.

Nebot, J., Orozco, J., Uribe, F., Bros, V. & Cadevall, J, 2010. Distribució i composició de la comunitat de mol·luscs de l'àrea compresa per les planes de Son i la mata de València. In: Els sistemes naturals de les Planes de Son i la mata de València, edited by J. Germain, Barcelona: Institució Catalana d'Història Natural, p. 379-401.

Orozco, A., Cadevall, J., Bros, V., Hernández, E., Nebot, J. & Uribe, F., 2001. Inventari dels mol·luscs d'aigua dolça de la Ricarda-Ca l'Arana (El Prat de Llobregat, Delta del llobregat). Spartina, 4: 112-128.