Pupa lilietensis

Bofill, A., 1886. Contributions a la faune malacologique de la Catalogne. I. Bulletin de la Société Malacologique de France, 3: 151–164. [p.155]. 


Type locality

“...sur les rochers calcaires du chemin de la Pobla de Lillet, aux sources du Llobregat (Haute–Catalogne)”.


Toponymic note and update

On the rocks along the path from la Pobla de Lillet [municipality] to the source of the Llobregat River [in the municipality of Castellar de n’Hug], province of Barcelona, Spain.



Lectotype: Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona, MZB 89–8595 (“Pobla de Lillet”, shell, ex Bofill coll.).

Paralectotypes: Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona, MZB 89–8567 (“Pobla de Lillet a Castellar d’en Huch”,1 shell, ex Bofill coll.) + MZB 89–8568 (“Pobla de Lillet a Castellar d’en Huch”, 5 shells, ex Bofill coll.).

Current name

Pupa lilietensis is a junior synonym of Abida secale lilietensis (Bofill, 1886).

Gittenberger, E., 1973. Beiträge zur kenntnis der Pupillacea III. Chondrininae. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 127: 1–267. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/Icon_External_Link.png [p. 100]. 



  • Feinerus formosanus

    Navás, L. 1926. Insecta orientalia. IV series. Memorie dell'Accademia Pontifica dei Nuovi Lincei, Rome (2)9:111-120. 

  • Euplister megalophthalmus


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  • Gastrallus strydomi


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  • Australanobium inaequale trapezicolle


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