Calotriton arnoldi

Carranza, Salvador & Amat, Fèlix. 2005. Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of Euproctus (Amphibia: Salamandridae), with the resurrection of the genus Calotriton and the description of a new endemic species from the Iberian Peninsula. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 145:555-582.

Type locality

“Fogars de Monclús, Montseny", Catalunya (northeastern Spain)”.

Toponymic note and update

Fogars de Montclús, a municipality in the province of Barcelona, Spain.


Holotype: : Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona, MZB 82-8784 (1 male, whole animal alcohol preserved).

Paratypes: Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona, MZB 82-8789 (loc. Tip., 1 male,whole animal ) + MZB 2004-0187 (loc. tip.,1 female, whole animal alcohol preserved) + MZB 2004-0188 (loc. tip., 1 female whole animal alcohol preserved) + MZB 2004-0189 (loc. tip., 1 female whole animal alcohol preserved).

Current name

Calotriton arnoldi Carranza & Amat, 2005



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