Guide to collections

Junta de Ciències Naturals Fonds (IBB), 1905-1936

Name Junta de Ciències Naturals Fonds (IBB), 1905-1936
Cite as AIBB-JCN
Description This collections contains the documents produced and received by the Natural Science Board in the period 1905-1936. Specifically, it contains documents from the botanists who worked on the first Catalan flora, scientific correspondence, botanical explorations and specialized publications.
Kingdom coverage Plantae
Geospatial coverage Spain
Collectors Cadevall Diars, Joan
Font Quer, Pius
Collection type Archival, Texts
Primary purpose Voucher
Include types No
Grouping principle Repository
Formations periods 1905-1936
Development statuses Closed
Collection extents 1 linear metre, 6 boxes
Documentation state Six boxes of document (1 m lineal distance) have been catalogues.
Object class archival records