Guide to collections

General Lichenotheca

Name General Lichenotheca
Description The lichen collection consists of roughly 1,500 specimens placed in alphabetical order. The material is conserved dry and in envelopes stuck to cards separated by species and country. Still to be added are around 700 further specimens corresponding to a number of donations from collections such as that of Swedish exsiccates and material collected by Font i Quer, Palau Ferrer, X. Llimona, etc.
Kingdom coverage Fungi
Collectors Font Quer, Pius
Kutak, Vaclav
Llenas, Manuel
Llimona Pagès, Xavier
[et al.]
Collection type Preserved
Primary purpose Research
Include types Yes
Grouping principle Taxonomic
Development statuses Active growth
Collection extents 3200 specimens
Documentation state Currently being digitalized; to date, 1,155 specimens have been digitalized.
Specimen preservation methods Dried and pressed