Guide to collections

Hieraciotheca gallica et hispanica

Name Hieraciotheca gallica et hispanica
Cite as BC-Hieraciotheca
Description The herbarium of the genus Hieracium of Casimir Arvet-Touvet (1841-1913) and Marie Clément Gaston Gautier (1841-1911) contains 1,643 specimens from France and 427 species from Spain. The collection was divided into 10 different parts that were loaned to various European botanical institutions at the beginning of the 20th century. This part of the collection corresponds to the specimens sent to Frederic Trèmols to thank him for his help in forming the exsiccate collection. It was digitalized in 2012 with images of the labels on the herbarium sheets. In all, it contains 2,009 sheets.
Kingdom coverage Plantae
Taxon coverage Hieracium
Collectors Arvet-Touvet, Casimir
Gautier, Marie Clément Gaston
Soulie, Jean André
Trèmols, Frederic
Collection type Preserved
Primary purpose Research
Include types Yes
Grouping principle Taxonomic
Formations periods 19th century
Development statuses Closed
Collection extents 2000 specimens
Documentation state All of the collection is digitalized and all the labels have been digitalized in high resolution.
Specimen preservation methods Dried and pressed
Institution Botanical Institute of Barcelona - Herbarium
Parent collection Botanical Institute of Barcelona herbarium
Associated person Neus Ibáñez (Curator),
Related material Arvet-Touvet, Jean-Maurice-Casimir. (1910). Hieraciotheca Gallica et Hispanica. Narbonne : Imprimerie F. Caillard.