Roser Nos
Roser Nos, Bilbioteca Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona

Other names

Rosario Nos
Mª Rosario Nos de Nicolau

Nos Ronchera, Roser

Tortosa, Tarragona, Spain , 15/05/1924 - Barcelona, Spain , 09/01/2018
Field of activity: Ethology | Malacology | Ornithology
Museum related: Museum Staff
Main function: Librarian | Director

Link to the museum

From 1947 to 1961: she was awarded with a grant (800 pesetas per month) of the Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona for managing malacological and ichtyological collections, the library, and for outreach plans. In 1954, she won the opposition of librarian though her tasks did not change substantially. The wage was of 1250 pesetas a month.

From 1978 to 1989: she became diirector of the Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona until retirement.

1993: she was the first president of the Associació d'Amics del Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona, now known as Associació d'Amics del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona.

2018: NAT Honourable mention, posthumously, awarded by the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona.

Historical/biographical notes

  • 1944 Title of National Teacher, Normal School of Teaching of Castellón, Valencia, Spain.
  • 1944-1953: teacher of natural sciences, physics and chemistry in secondary education centers in Barcelona: María Auxiliadora, Salesianas, from Sepúlveda street and Jesús-María from Sant Gervasi, where she also collaborated in the reorganization of the valuable 19th-century herbarium that is kept there.
  • 1946 Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Barcelona. Award of Excellence in Academic Performance.
  • 1961-1978: Between the two periods of connection to the Museum she was Conservator of the Zoological Park of Barcelona.
  • 1984 She was co-founder of the Sociedad Española de Etología, currently known as Sociedad Española de Etología y Ecología Evolutiva. The SEEE reminds its origin with the publication of a picture of the people that attended the first meeting of the SEE. Roser Nos is in the middle of the photografy.


Bibliographical references