

  • Stenoria apicalis kaszabiana


    Pardo Alcaide, 1958. Analectas entomológicas. VII. Los Sitarini de la Península Ibérica (Col. Meloidae). Graellsia, 13-22.

  • Chondrina pseudavenacea

    Kokshoorn, B. & Gittenberger, E., 2010. Chondrinidae taxonomy revisited: New synonymies, new taxa, and a checklist of species and subespecies (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Zootaxa, 2539: 1-62. [p. 35; lám. 13 fig. H].

  • Geotrechus delioti


    Faille et al., 2015. Allopatric speciation illustrated: The hypogean genus Geotrechus Jeannel, 1919 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini), with description of four new species from the Eastern Pyrenees (Spain). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 73 (3): 439-455.

  • Pupa lilietensis

    Bofill, A., 1886. Contributions a la faune malacologique de la Catalogne. I. Bulletin de la Société Malacologique de France, 3: 151–164. [p.155].