Whether with advanced technology or without it, whether on a day-trip or a major expedition,
the human factor is always essential in exploration.

The spirit of exploration is expressed when following a sequence of phases to complete an exploration.

Phases that are adapted and ordered according to each case:

1. Documentation and information: on the reason and about the place that one wants to visit.
2. Setting of objectives: what one wants to do.

1. Design and logistics: where one travels and by what means.
2. Selection of team: which people will accompany us.
3. Luggage: items required to cover both personal and scientific needs.

1. Social activity: how the day to day is lived.
2. Professional activity: what work is done.
3. Information and communication: how contact is maintained with the outside world.

Initial analysis of results
1. First expedition balance: whether we have done what we wanted.
2. Conclusions: whether objectives have been achieved..
3. Explanation: how and to whom we explain what we have done.

Future and continuity
1. Results and final conclusions: reflections that will take their time.
2. The results encourage us to return: documentation that leads to the start of a new exploration.





          LOCATION: Parc de la Ciutadella, s/n       TELEPHONE: 93 256 22 00       FAX: 93 319 93 12     EMAIL:           
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