Guide to collections

Cuatrecasas herbarium

Name Cuatrecasas herbarium
Cite as BC-Cuatrecasas
Description The herbarium of Josep Cuatrecasas i Arumí (1903-1996) consisting of 3,900 specimens, contains sheets from Colombia and Peru, many of which (around 730) are duplicates of sheets from the Smithsonian Institute. These sheets were sent to Barcelona from Washington by Cuatrecasas himself since his intention was to study them when he returned to Catalonia. The collection was donated to the Botanical Institute in 1997, along with books and glass photographic slides belonging to Cuatrecasas. In all, 326 sheets, including some type specimens and other sheets of interest, have been digitalized as part of the project LAPI. The majority of type specimens correspond to taxa described by Cuatrecasas.
Kingdom coverage Plantae
Collectors Cuatrecasas, Josep
García-Barriga, Hernando
Killip, Ellsworth Paine
Klug, Guillermo
[et al.]
Collection type Preserved
Primary purpose Research
Include types Yes
Grouping principle Spatial
Formations periods ca. 1925-1965
Development statuses Closed
Collection extents 3900 specimens
Documentation state Only 416 specimens are digitalized, of which 326 have been digitalized in high-resolution.
Specimen preservation methods Dried and pressed