

  • Paraconcinnum leirsi

    Ribas, A.; Makundi, R.H. & de Goüy Bellocq, J., 2012. Paraconcinnum leirsi n.sp. (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae) from rodents in Tanzania and its phylogenetic position within the dicrocoeliids. African Zoology, 47(2): 326-331, DOI: 10.1080/15627020.2012.11407547

  • Trechus ortizi


    Español, 1970. Un nuevo Trechus cavernícola del norte de Burgos (Col. Trechidae). Speleon, 17: 53-57.

  • Lensia quadriculata

    Pagès, F., Flood, P. & Youngbluth, M., 2006. Gelatinous zooplankton net-collected in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent submarine canyons: new species, new family (Jeanbouilloniidae), taxonomic remarks and some parasites. Scientia Marina, 70(3): 363-379. [p. 368-371; figs. 3, 4A-D, 5A].

  • Pupa lilietensis

    Bofill, A., 1886. Contributions a la faune malacologique de la Catalogne. I. Bulletin de la Société Malacologique de France, 3: 151–164. [p.155].